
Read our published works and learn first hand how we can help with diversity issues.


The consulting is to assist small and large businesses, public schools, colleges, universities, to gain the know-how on diversity especially with helping them to understand, be more accommodating and work productively with minorities within their different domains.

Contact Details

To book a consulting job or ask a question feel free to contact us.

Client Testimonials

“Dr. Adekson has been my number one mentor throughout my 2nd, 3rd, and 4th semesters at Empire State College. Dr. Adekson has brought about a spiritual awakening within my-self through her capacity to create a positive change in myself and those whom she comes in contact with. Furthermore, Dr. Adekson has the capability and expertise to steer college, university, school administrators and employers to help retain and empower their minority faculty, teachers and workers. God’s grace has truly been blessed upon her. Dr. Adekson has a special God given gift that enables her as professional healer to in turn enable others to do the same. I can’t in my life ever remember meeting and working with such a stellar, beautiful, caring and grateful human being.” – Timothy Whipple

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